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Can't see the videos
Posted by simonmenkes
4/6/2015  4:14:00 AM
I registered, but the video boxes are still black. Any thoughts?

Re: Can't see the videos
Posted by Gene
4/9/2015  9:49:00 PM
I had to turn off Avast Online Security to see the videos so you might check what type of ad blockers you are using.
Re: Can't see the videos
Posted by Administrator
4/10/2015  10:45:00 AM
Hi Simon,

What kind of computer or device are you using to view the website? And are you viewing the full site or the mobile site?

If you're using a Mac or PC computer, be sure to update to the latest version of Flash. And if one browser is giving you trouble, you can often do better with another browser. Google Chrome seems to work the best.

You can also use Quicktime video instead. Download and install the latest version of Quicktime from the Apple website. Then on BallroomDancers.com, log in to your user account, go to the Custom Settings tab, and switch your video viewing preference to Quicktime.

For mobile devices, be sure to use our mobile website, https://mobile.ballroomdancers.com/. I'm not familiar with Android, but your device must support H.264 mp4 video. For iPhones, you must either use our mobile site (which is better on phones, anyway) or switch your video viewing preference to Quicktime. iOS does not support Flash at all.

Note also that there was a bug in iOS 8.0 through 8.2 that prevented videos embedded in a mobile web app from playing when the app was installed on the user's home screen. So if you haven't done it yet, update your iPhone or iPad to iOS 8.3 (the latest version as of the writing of this message) and it will fix the problem.

Speaking of the iPad, some people prefer to use our full site to our mobile site on this device. But as I mentioned, iOS doesn't support Flash, so you'll need to switch to Quicktime as described above.

Finally, if all else fails, try the beta version of our upcoming website upgrade, which is currently located at http://new.ballroomdancers.com/. The new version of the website will use HTML5 video rather than Flash, so it should be compatible with most devices right out of the box.

I hope this helps!

Jonathan Atkinson

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